Ed Hjermstad, Grand Marshal Frontier Days 1966.
December 19, 2011
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Ed Hjermstad, Grand Marshal Frontier Days 1966.
Description: Ed Hjermstad, Grand Marshal Frontier Days 1966.
Frontier Days appeared on several TV programs prior to the celebration. Ed was with Mel Jass on Channel 11 on June 21st. He also appeared on the "Casey Jones" program on June 21.



Presentation: The Parks Country Day Camp of Chanhassen

2-3pm, Saturday, Sept. 28
Chanhassen History Center
391 W 78th Street, Chanhassen
Everyone welcome!

Chanhassen History Center 2024 Summer Hours:

Saturdays  11am-1pm 
July 4th 10am-4pm

391 W 78th St.
Chanhassen, MN


